
Mart, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
 Okul öğrenci deneyleri  Fatsa Sakarya ortaoku https://youtu.be/ZAZ3uSUGn9g lu

Murat ÇALIŞKAN- Fatsa Mehmet Zahit Kotku İmam-Hatip Secondary School

We have done the first activity of our project, "1-10 March, Teacher Demonstration experiment. It is aimed to gain outcomes related to natural forces and volcano explosion.
 We carried out the teacher demonstration experiment, the 1st event of our 1-10 March project. Our students were warned about the danger and never try this experiment at home. Necessary precautions were taken and our experiment was carried out. In our experiment, it was aimed to draw attention to forest fires.